9801, Parkway, Anjou, Québec Canada H1J 1P3
1 866.51.PROMA (77662)

Surface Preparation Products Selector

PROMA > Surface Preparation Products Selector

Surface Preparation Products Selector


Use this convenient Product Selector to see which PROMA Surface Preparation Products are ideal for your job.

Choose the “Application” type and then choose from the menus of provided choices to see a list of suitable products sorted in order of relevance. Click on a product and be taken to its unique page for detailed information.

For more detailed information, please contact our technical department for proper recommendations and job field assistance. Toll-free: 1.866.51.PROMA (77662).


[1] PRO SUPERPRIME™ and PRO SUPERPRIME™ 1C can be used to ready any surface for PROMA leveling underlayments, toppings and setting materials without the need for scarifying or shotblasting, saving valuable time and money.
[2] When added to selected aggregates and water.
[3] PRO SCRATCH™ mixed with water or PRO SET™ PLUS can be used in thickness up to 25 mm (1″) when used with wire lath.
[4] PRO SC™ MAT comes in 5 different size formats. Click here for more information.
[5] Isolates shrinkage cracks, in plane, up to 3 mm (1/8″) wide, when used in combination with PROMA FIBER MESH or REINFORCING FABRIC.
[6] Isolates shrinkage cracks, in plane, up to 6 mm (1/4″) wide.
[7] PRO PRIME™ LP IMPROVED can be used to ready porous concrete for PROMA leveling underlayments and priming prior to the application of PRO CBM™ 2 crack isolation membrane.